Settings and activity
4 results found
1,421 votes
Hey folks, we’re nearly done on this. When we’re ready, we’ll release a small beta test to everybody who’s voted on the idea. Thank you for waiting :)
Rahul, CEO of Rapportive
Ayaz Somani supported this idea ·
2 votes
HI Ayaz,
There are two times when Rapportive gets this wrong — the first time is before you connect to Facebook, then we can’t tell who your friends are; the second time is just after you’ve friended someone. It might take us up to a week to update the status.
We have some ideas on how to make this happen faster, and we’ll keep this message updated as things improve.
Sorry for the inconvenience,
ConradAyaz Somani shared this idea ·
61 votes
Could you tell me what statistics you would find most useful? e.g. statistics about yourself or about your contacts? Do you think this would help you to use email more effectively?
We already show a simple statistic – if you click the “my profile” link at the bottom of any sidebar, or hover over your own name in a conversation, we’ll show you how many times your profile has been viewed by people you email.
Ayaz Somani supported this idea ·
400 votes
We are definitely going to let you edit your contact records for other people. Right now, we’re working on giving you as much context as we can about your contacts without making you do the work of filling in their details, but we know that’s not enough on its own.
When we enable editing other people’s profiles, the edits will be private to you: in other words, if you edit someone’s profile, we’ll show you the edited version, but other people won’t see your edits. That’s because your contact data belongs to you, and we won’t share it without your consent; it’s also to protect the privacy of people who might not want their social network profiles being revealed in public.
If you have any ideas on how you would like this to work, please do let us know in the comments!
Ayaz Somani supported this idea ·