The ability to share notes with people
We are planning to support this in some form. Would be great to hear more about how you’d like this to work. Who would you like to share your notes with? Are there any systems you use for this currently, and what do you like and dislike about them?
Emerson Ferreira commented
Hello Rapportive! Please make this happen... This is a must for small companies. Many thanks
dandv commented
Rapportive guys, what are you waiting for? It's been more than two years! I've seen entire PM+CRM systems developed for Gmail in less than that (TimeToNote for example), by only one guy.
Come on.
Let people share notes, and you've got the best CRM on the planet. In these days of scarce attention spans, the best CRM is the one that's most integrated, and makes it easiest to store and share notes. Rapportive is addictive, you've nailed that one. I couldn't convince the business-types in my team to use any PM/CRM software, be it as simple as Wrike or as powerful as WORKetc, but they installed Rapportive after they saw it on my screen.
You're smart; use Rapportive's userbase to get a leg in the CRM space, and win.
George Weyman commented
If you crack this, you've cracked the infernal 'crm' problem. I work for a small outfit and for the past 3 years we've been looking for a way to seamlessly share contacts and notes about them, to keep up with each others' communications for future reference. We are small so it needs to be lightweight and ideally linked to other social accounts - rapportive fits the bill.
Andrew Brown commented
Notes are a feature that we are planning on improving in the near future. We've been taking note of everyone's suggestions, and we'll be sure to hit notes spot on! Stay tuned!
Alexandre Passant commented
I second Ronan, it would be really great to share notes within a same domain, and that will make Rapportive the ideal CRM for small start-ups, where one just need to share notes with other people from the same organisation. (Ideally, with these notes appearing in Google Contacts as well)
Ronan Berder commented
I can see two types of use for this feature;
- Share notes with all users from an app domain (allows to quickly share comments across the whole company),
- Share notes with specific users (may be outside of the domain name, may be tricky),That is somehow not very different of how Google Calendars events work (though it probably is pretty difficult to implement).
Azrul Rahim commented and should be able to share some notes about
Wojtek Sosnowski commented
In this case is there a possibility of logging into rapportive with single username by several people that are using separate addresses?
Jason Toy commented
either choose a login you can share all notes with, or if you have a group in your contacts that you only share notes from that group, for example a WORK contacts group and PERSONAL contacts group. I can allow notes from my WORK group to be shared but not my personal...
David Eisenberg commented
I support Jason and Jeff's suggestions
Any clarity on the upcoming timeline on with Highrise would be great too!
Vice Becker commented
We haven't integrated Rapportive with a CRM yet, do you support quick edit for CRMs or does all CRM data read only? Basically if there is a way to add notes to the CRM it'll be automatically shared between all users so no need to add a "Share" feature.
Since we don't have any CRM accounts yet (and couldn't find any demo or info about it) I can't comment on this. But instead of "share", "Add notes to the CRM" feature would be better.
Jason Toy commented
what i would like is if you are a google apps user, everyone in the domain can view notes you put under a contact, making integration between all users in a company and view customers notes across the company...
AdminRahul Vohra (Admin, Rapportive) commented
Jeff, thanks very much for the detailed comment. You've hit the nail on the head -- that's exactly the kind of thing we want to to do! It's going to be great, so do stay tuned :)
Jeff Vyduna commented
You have an incredible ability with Rapportive to make the best CRM building off Gmail.
Consider SMBs - small/medium businesses. You have a customer support staff, a sales staff and the management. These 2-20 people need to have some quick context about who has interacted with a customer or lead before. Notes could quickly solve that.
My preferred schema would be the ability to designate one main organization I belong to for the purposes of note sharing. Then being able to switch a note between "just me" and "(name of organization)" visibility would be sufficient.
We used to use Highrise but the lack of in-email-app integration (which I know you plan to offer with them) killed our interest, and therefore our subscription. Cleaning out Highrise to stay in a reasonable monthly price tier was outrageously difficult. It felt like "do painful cleanup of old contacts, or just keep paying more forever".
Hope this helps! We'd also probably be fans of Get Satisfaction, Uservoice, Tender, Zendesk, and Lighthouse Rapplets.
Travis Jon Allison commented
being able to share within a Google Apps domain would be amazing and allow us to move to Rapportive as the main CMS
Kent Loset commented
I suggest the following solution:
1. Let users decide wether they want to share their note or not using a simple checkbox:
[ x ] Share2. Below the note textfield, show a text saying "View shared notes (12)". When clicking this, it will show a list of notes that you can add to your contact. I suggest keeping your own note and other's notes separated, but letting people add as many notes from others as they like.
Anonymous commented
See my suggestion about Google Apps Marketplace. Would love the ability to have notes shared within a domain on Google Apps, with all of the sign-in integrated. But all would like default to be a private note.