Allow indicating when several email addresses are the same person
Many people use two or three email addresses: one for business and the other one for social stuff. If I know both of them, why can't I get the same info on both of them?

We’ve made some progress on this: once you’ve connected your Google Contacts to Rapportive (, then if you have several email addresses for a contact, we’ll recognise that the different email addresses are the same person, and show the same profile for all of them. This means you can “link” two profiles together by creating a contact in Google Contacts with both of the email addresses – however please note we could take up to a day to notice the change.
If we determine from your Google Contacts that two email addresses are the same person, that will be private to you – i.e. you’ll see the same information for that person from then on, but other people will still see them as separate. That’s because people often want to keep their personal and professional identities separate in public.
We know there are times when you want to link addresses together without mucking around with Google Contacts (especially if you don’t use Google Contacts for anything else!), and we’re still working on a way to support that.
We are also already working on a way for you to say “this email address belongs to me, associate it with my Rapportive profile” (obviously we’ll have to verify it really does belong to you!). That way people will be able to link together all the email addresses they use, if they choose to do so. (I use several email addresses myself, so I appreciate the need for this!)
Will update this when we know when these features are likely to roll out.
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
Jody L Norris commented
Can someone help me start the program please
virender sangwan commented
it will be helpfull. -
wada1 commented
MY additional email addresses are not linking to MY profile - even though they are all in the entry for myself in my Google Contacts. As a result, when I edit the profile associated with my Google acct, those edits are not reflected in the profile for /my/ account - which I'd like them to be. Also: No (apparent) way to edit my profile - which is kind of annoying actually.
Bryan Price commented was already in place, skipping the +Y part for some time before they came out with the multiple email addresses. I used the +Y for a mailing list, and at first, it never showed anything with my +Y, then it started showing my information whenever the +Y address was referenced. So all of your +Y addresses should already be showing up just like your address. I suggest that you check it out. It's been working for me for months. I guess Rapportive has already made that decision. :)
Matthew Weymar commented
@bytehead: Thanks. Done this. What about plus-addresses though? Should default to the same profile as Or not?... How should rapportive go about answering this question? Some sort of poll perhaps?... I use a lot of plus-addresses so had to add them all via the process you describe. A PITA - and I use more than Rapportive could handle easily.
Bryan Price commented
@Matthew: I've managed to connect my various email accounts. But I had to do that with Rapportive, Rapportive doesn't try to go through your Google account and figure out what the multiple emails are. You type the new email in, you receive a confirmation email to click to verify, and you're done. And while that will hitch your profile to all those emails, when anyone looks at the profile, they only are shown the address they have.
Matthew Weymar commented
MY additional email addresses are not linking to MY profile - even though they are all in the entry for myself in my Google Contacts. As a result, when I edit the profile associated with my Google acct, those edits are not reflected in the profile for /my/ account - which I'd like them to be. Also: No (apparent) way to edit my profile - which is kind of annoying actually.
Nick Grossman commented
I'll just add a big +1 to this feature -- right now this is the major thing that's annoying about rapportive -- seeing a big blank avatar for someone whose details (twitter etc) I already know, but are associated with a different address of theirs.
Apart from that (which is IMO a major issue), I really like rapportive so far. For me, #1 nicest thing (and reason I like it better than Gist) is that it covers up the ad space in my gmail window, rather than making a new pane the way Gist does.
Plus, integrations w/ services like batchbook are invaluable.
So, keep up the good work! I hope you can get the multiple email problem resolved soon.
Jeff Vyduna commented
Awesome - thanks for the progress on this, guys. This is a great start.
Aaron Perrell commented
It seems like this should easily work with the much requested gmail contacts connection feature. If two email addresses have the same google contact card, they are the same person.
Or simply letting me enter extra emails into a filed under the person's name would do. -
SEO commented
i am facing some problem.
Matthew Russell commented
I suggest link through contacts that have multiple addresses. E.g. someone that uses their googlemail and gmail address interchangeably doesn't tend to link properly. If I have both in the contact, then it'd be nice for rapportive to realise they're the same person.
Chris Beaman commented
Sync with Gist. Use their API/algorithm for determining which of several contact details apply to the same person
Kevin Hall commented
It should be simple for the case where a single contact has multiple e-mail addresses, ... check each of them on the social networks. Likewise for the social networks that have multiple e-mail addresses listed in their contact information... compare all the e-mail addresses to the one for the e-mail currently open.
Jack Vinson commented
Will this also cover the situation where I get an email from "Jill" and have several email addresses for her in my Contacts with one of those being linked to her LinkedIn / Facebook account? (And have the appropriate account info appear in the Rapportive window.)
Of course, I'd hope this would be connected to the feature of showing MyContacts information as well.
Roger Eklund commented
In my case I use google contacts for everything, syncing numbers and info to my phone etc.. And have work mail and private mail on the same contact. It would be nice if i got a mail from someones workmail which is not connected to facebook, and have their private mail in the same contact which is connected to facebook, for rapportive to recogninze that contact as the same automatically.
Alan Swartz commented
That way I can see the Facebook or Google information on someone who may email me with an account they do not have attached to either.
Hi all, thanks for your patience with this. We have done a major update on our backend which lays the groundwork for indicating that several email addresses are for the same person. We are starting work on the feature itself, but at the moment I can't yet promise how long it's going to take (we like to do things well, even if it takes a little longer). But it's definitely coming! :)