Use the reply-to address when a look-up fails.
If I get an email from my wordpress installation telling me that someone has left a comment, the real person's email address is in the Reply-To header, but rapportive (correctly) looks up the From field first. If this first lookup fails to find any interesting data, (because the email is from someone like, it should do a look-up using the Reply-To address.

This is a good idea – thanks! We’ll look into this.
We’ve already improved our support for a related situation, when you get an email from an automated system or company address: we show you a summary of the company and useful links. See here for details:
Hristo Hristov commented
Same for email notifications generated from forms (, that are configured to use a Reply-to address.
AdminConrad Irwin (Admin, Rapportive) commented
Thanks for you comments guys! We'll keep a list of email addresses that we should use the Reply-to for, keep the good suggestions coming :).
Alon Salant commented
Same for EventBrite emails. They all come from but the reply-to address is a real person's email address. I would prefer to see the profile for that person than the EventBrite web site general profile.
MinuteDock Team commented
This would be helpful to us too - our support requests come through from our application with a Reply-To header rather than a fake From address (AuthSMTP won't let us use arbitrary From addresses)
Kristin Espinasse commented
Same goes for Typepad, Facebook, etc.
It would be helpful to be able to reference the commenter's address (within the forwarded email (no need, for example, to reference Typepad, Wordpress, or Facebook)