Allow me to rearrange the display order of my social networks
Hi Adam, thanks for getting in touch. We’d certainly like people to be able to make their profiles exactly how they want them.
Perhaps a good first step would be if we defined a sensible default order — at the moment we go Twitter, Facebook, Linked-in, and then the rest are random. Should we include more things in that list, or order it differently?
Christopher Harwood commented
I suspect different folks will assign different priorities to different services, and this would help them indicate that to other users. On my profile, for example, the Facebook rapplet would be somewhere near the bottom and the link to my Google+ profile (and eventual rapplet) would take its place. Friends who are photographers would probably give top billing to Flickr or 500px, etc.
aaron commented
This is a must-have!
Samir P commented
Yes - I would like to control the display order of my networks.
TAPASH NATH commented
Yes, it is a needed thing, then people would have more control of what they actually interested in.
AdminConrad Irwin (Admin, Rapportive) commented
I see — yes, that would be neat. Thanks again.
Adam commented
what inspired this thought was when I saw your massive list of supported sites. I was thinking that logical groupings might make the most sense.
Something like:
- twitter
- facebookProfesisonal
- linked inCommunications:
- skype