Allow me to correct my own profile
Hello Everyone, this has finally been finished! :).
Just go to the Rapportive sidebar, click on “my profile” at the bottom, and hover over anything you want to change.
Thanks for your patience!
P.S. Now that this is completed, you can re-invest your votes into other stories — would be great to hear what we should do next!
Robbie Th'ng commented
I am not Ethel!
If I could at least review what is on my profile and have little crosses over entries to inform "This isn't me" or something like that.
kimberley dietemann commented
guys, i just discovered that there is a way to do this in the interim: -
Miguel Lucero commented
Is there a way to opt-out of the service all together? Where I don't have any information listed at all?
Regan Davis commented
Similar to above posts, it's linking my own incorrect information. A personal profile would be helpful, but so would these overall poor info buttons.
Andy Kruger commented
Rapportive claims that I am 19 years old (thanks, but you're out by 21 years) and that I have a MySpace account (some guy called "Koopa"). I've never had a MySpace account and I will never have one. This is a problem to me and needs to be fixed. Can't we rather have an option to say "only use stuff from my Google profile in Rapportive" in there somewhere?
Jacobo Leon commented
I would do it in a local way. Just in case someone doesn't want to appear in everyone's rapportive, but if i have his info, being able to introduce it myself.
Jason Mayoff commented
The wrong twitter account is showing up for me. I should be able to correct my own info (email, linkedin, flickr etc.) globally (for everyone) and my contacts' info locally (for me only.)
My 2 cents
Montana Pham commented
Theres many potential problems about this. There may be address a user doesn't want the world to know, because apparently all the info is being pulled from the net.
Jared Zimmerman commented
there are people who i know use a particular email address on linkedin, facebook, twitter, but they still aren't showing in Rapportive.
Nick Cairns commented
I would like it to allow you to associate an alternate email or emails with the contact - or use google contacts in some way.
William Dowell commented
Under my email, the address is somebody completely different on MySpace.. Baffled to how you are scrapping the data and coming up with my email or name or anything! Look forward to fixing this as last thing i want is people going onto 'my' profiles if they're not mine.
Chris Massey commented
This is kind of a linked idea: it would be nice if Rapportive could acknowledge that one person might have several email addresses. For example, the email address I use for facebook is different from the one I use for linked in, which in turn is different to my work address. Maybe it could notice duplicate names, to a certain degree?