Hide raplet when no data is available (ex. Crunchbase on non-famous ppl)
I have the CrunchBase raplet enabled. A lot of the people I talk to don't have CrunchBase pages dedicated to them. As such, the raplet is always saying "no data available for XYZ". It would be great if this could be hidden when there's nothing to say.

Hey Larry, that’s a good point. We’re planning a redesign of the sidebar which will hide Raplets containing no useful information. Thanks for bearing with us as we work on this!
Hi Orlando, great idea. We'd like to integrate some better feedback options into Rapportive, so that you can flag emails as appropriate.
Orlando Roebuck commented
How about providing the user with a "Not a person" button when there is no data available. I typically know if the email is auto-generated or not. If I click "Not a person", there is no reason for a profile search on successive messages from that email address.