Warn before installing Google Apps that happy users of the GMail raplet may be disappointed.
Seems like all reviews of HAPPY rapportive users in GMail moving to Google Apps are extremely disappionted. How about at least warn users before they change. I am on; in Google Apps I no longer have access to the right side raplet of my list info.

Hey Bill, thanks for your note. I agree that the Google Apps gadget is somewhat of a disappointment; we’re actually thinking of discontinuing it, since the environment it runs in is very restrictive and doesn’t allow us to provide the user experience we want. Also the normal Rapportive sidebar works just fine on Google Apps domains.
Hey Bill, the main benefit is that the Google Apps gadget can be rolled out for all users of a domain at once, and it appears on every computer they use. By contrast, the sidebar works with a browser extension, which means that you have to individually install it on every computer you use.
Bill Gross commented
Thanks for confirming. I am not really a developer, snuck into this conversastion :-)
Are there are ANY benefits to the Google Apps install vs. the basic GMail install?