Google Contact Group
Google contact groups would be very helpful. If you click on an email and want to add them to a group, you are able to see a dropdown of groups and you can click a check box next to each one. After you click them, they appear like tags.
For the future, you could review Universal Contact Manager does a really good job at graphically displaying the groups as tags, where they even allow you to color code the specific tags.
Hi Jordan,
Thanks for getting in touch — I think this could be a powerful idea.
More details in the upcoming email,
architectj commented
Perhaps I should elaborate and explain the use cases:
Firstly, I have many contacts and make many new ones and cannot remember who everyone is, so adding tags to their names would help me remember.
2nd use case which is more important, we would like to create advanced mailing lists from a series of groups, Universal Contact Manager would work great in addition to your application. Does anyone know of other mailing programs with this type of functionality? Constant Contact, Mail Chimp?