Sparrow Integration
Integrate with the soon to be the best and I believe one of the most used Mail Clients for Mac the Sparrow Mail App from
There is also an ticket for this open on their site:
:) Hope you guys do some things magical for us!

Hi Ygor,
Awesome idea — We’ll keep you upated here as we make progress.
Arjun R Pillai commented
Well. Its not for Sparrow. But this one might interest a lot of us here -
Federico Nervi commented
Come on! This was two years ago, don't say you guys didnt have enough time... ;-)
Jesse Littlewood commented
I'd pay for this as well.
Ben commented
Would love to see Rapportive integrated with Sparrow Mail.
seth carnill commented
Great idea... would pay good money for this feature!
Bradley Newman commented
Basheera Khan commented
+1 on the $50! :-)
Shane Reiser commented
I'll chip in $50 to help make this happen.
Jan Winum commented
+1 :)
obie commented
+1 I need an offline mail solution which is why I use Sparrow, but I miss Rapportive terribly anytime I'm in there.
Kyle Wild commented
I miss rapportive, but sparrow is just so much better than the gmail UI :(
Sahil Parikh commented
+1 for sparrowmail + rapportive integration
Jim Chevalier commented
It sounds like this is a no-go -
Rodolfo Rosini commented
The best must integrate with the best.
Milan B Vrekic commented
Please, it would made Sparrow a "must have".
Basheera Khan commented
Yay! The sooner this happens, the better!
Larry Boltovskoi commented
I would like to see this too. :)