Allow me to invite email adress to join facebook or twitter of something else.
I'm from Russia. Many people still don't have an account on Facebook or Twitter. I'd like to invite them to join me on this sites.
Hi Gennadij,
That’s a really good idea, we can look at your Rapportive profile to see which sites you are on and give you some buttons to quickly.
Out of interest, which sites do your friends use instead?
nasha commented
AdminConrad Irwin (Admin, Rapportive) commented
Hi Gennagij — you can either list them here (and I'll add them to your profile), or click "my profile" in Gmail, and add them from within Gmail.
Gennadij Pavlenko commented
How can I show you with sites i'm on? to get the bottom?
Gennadij Pavlenko commented
Hi Conrad!
Thank you for so quick replay!
May be it is not clear enought, sorry.
I'm from Russia and many of my resepienters don't have an account on Facebook and Twitter. So I'd like to invite them to join Facebook and twitter, not more.