to have more robust check on FB accounts. I tried with one of my email assigned with my FB account..
to have more robust check on FB accounts. I tried with one of my email assigned with my FB account and it did not give me the expected results....and it happened with many other such addresses.....

Hi John, thanks for your note. Can you explain a bit more about what results you got, and what you were expecting? Did you see incorrect information, or just none at all?
Thanks! — Martin
Hey John,
I'm sorry about the lack of information. For many people we are able to find useful profiles, but for many other people, our search currently fails. There are lots of reasons for this, and we're acutely aware of the problem (it's actually quite tricky to solve). We are working hard to improve Rapportive and get better coverage; thank you for bearing with us while we iron out these issues!
Martin -
John Smith commented
Hey Martin,
I was not hoping to see any reply in months but I was wrong. you guys are really fast. Let me explain you. At first I tried to find the contact's details by opening up the mail. It did display for some and absolutely no results for some of them. I was little confused so I sent my self an email from my personal mailbox which is assigned with my facebook account. Now when I open this message I should see my FB search result right? Actually I did not see anything(any results..for your reference my you can search me on FB with " provyn ", its pretty old account) at said searching the detail and finally nothing, apology message "we could not find anything about this person"...I just started using it today and I am not very happy to see such results when I was recommended by one of my friend to use this one..