Remember The Milk
Rapportive Chrome Extension does not work when Remember The Milk ( extension is installed.

Hi Tomasz,
We’ve got a note in our bug tracker to try to fix this — but it’s hard to work out what to do as both extensions use the same space in Gmail.
If you’re feeling adventurous, Remember The Milk have published a separate Gmail Gadget ( ) that appears in the left-hand-column, so it doesn’t conflict with Rapportive.
Obviously this isn’t a real fix, but hopefully it is good enough until we have made one — please let me know how you get on.
AdminConrad Irwin (Admin, Rapportive) commented
Ah! That's a very neat idea :). I hadn't thought of it at all.
Tomasz Wysocki commented
Thx for fast answer. Your tip helps. It's not perfect solution, but good enough for a while.
Your box is visible only on message page. So nice solution would be to hide Remember The Milk widget, when user reads message, and show it again when he backs to index. What do you think about that?
It shouldn't be very complicated because you already are binded to "show message", "hide message" events.