See Rapportive when composing a new email
I would like to see person notes when composing an email — this will remind me of what I was going to talk with them about etc.
Hello all! I am so happy to report that this is now done: you can now use Rapportive when you are composing emails!
We’re rolling it out gradually, but I know you guys will want this ASAP: so you can get early access at :)
btw, now this is done, you’ve all got more votes — please do spend them on more ideas at :)
Mike commented
too bad this no longer works with the new gmail compose...
Mark Nelson commented
For whatever reason, I have a rapportive sidebar when composing, at least when composing from an existing draft.
The problem is, it shows the same person's annoying profile no matter who I'm actually writing to! It's a kinda freaky inhibitor of creative composition juices.
Syed Ali Ahmed commented
I was about to suggest this exact feature. Would be incredibly useful to see my contacts while composing an email to them.
Shannon Clark commented
This would be greatly useful a) as I'm composing an email to someone (whom I haven't emailed before) or b) to look up alternative versions of my own email addresses to see if they show up anywhere that Rapportive searches (for example Gmail allows for alt version of email addresses - I often get emails sent to one clearly from someone with a similar email address who forgets (her I think) actual email address.