Display information from Google Contacts in sidebar
The idea behind Rapportive is great but absolutely not everyone is on social networks. Think of a business email: no, they're not registered on Facebook. Besides, our Contacts section in gmail is full of information and, possibly, profile pictures.
Hi again,
Just to let you know this is now working for everybody :) — Thank you very much to all the beta testers, lots of great feedback!
We’ve written a short blog post on this at http://blog.rapportive.com/address-book-inbox-together-at-last if you want more information.
Thanks again,
P.S. Now that this story is completed, you’ll be able to re-use your votes on the rest of the forum.
Oud in Afrika commented
Use the address' books data is a great feature > But the other way around would be great too > if I look at a contact in my address book / contacts list in Gmail give me the latest Rapportive information as well please.
Nir Sagiv commented
I really think this is a needed feature!
Since most of my contact have multiple emails (personal / spam / work / etc) I want the service to search all of them for info -
Erik Hjermstad commented
just posted this on another suggestion thread, yet it is appropriate here as well so:
I think a great solution to this issue would be for Rapportive to have a hierarchical method for grabbing data for the rapportive display. I think first tier is to pull info direct from google contacts info, and THEN go looking into cyberspace. The Hero upgrade would be to take any additional (and correct) social media data which rapportive finds for us, and be able to easily log this info into google contacts and batchbook.
Marco Assini commented
Yes, it would be nice that the information could come from multiple mail accounts related to the same person
James Moore commented
Same problem here. Not finding info on Contacts because the email is from their work address. My address book has their personal address to. It should use that plus allow me to enter an email or twitter handle.
Alyson Quigley commented
At least pull the photo I have for the person in my google contacts :-)
Dan Salvucci commented
Jared Zimmerman: completely agree I sent a very similar idea to Rahul before i knew about the board yesterday morning. The Original poster expands on that as well. I would love to see rapportive use the original email addy and the information in your contacts to put a cohesive sidebar together
1. This would include pulling just the contacts data you have entered.
2. Using other emails associated with the original to search social networksThis would make the tool very powerful for me.
Mark Brighton commented
Agree with most of the posts here, would love a hook up with contacts so that at the very least it brings back phone numbers and notes from gmail contacts. Any additional information that can then be scraped from social networks is a bonus, esp if it would allow the contact information to be updated with any useful info.
Martin Magdinier commented
Support the comments of Mats B Kirknes.
Unique contact can have multiple email address and be registered on a social network with one different from the one use to email me.Use the gmail address book to cover all the email address for a single contacat.
Jean Friesewinkel commented
Would be great if Rapportive allowed to store social network links in user profiles, so that other apps accessing contacts can benefit from it
Eric Bullock commented
I think it would also be cool to pull over non-social media information like email addresses and phone numbers.
Mats B Kirknes commented
My contacts have several email addresses, and I have noted the link to several social sites where to locate them. Rapportive should use my efforts to my advantage by adding this info to the contact card, as well as crawling a contacts additional email addresses.
Jared Zimmerman commented
additionally Rapportive should check all of the email addresses associated with the user via the gmail contact card
Josh commented
That's a great idea, especially since I was always adding links to social network profiles to the contacts in my address book anyways :)
Federico Brigante commented
This is my sister's email address, she even has a birthday date registered in the contact, but Rapportive shows nothing. http://droplr.com/x3P9r