Display information from Google Contacts in sidebar
The idea behind Rapportive is great but absolutely not everyone is on social networks. Think of a business email: no, they're not registered on Facebook. Besides, our Contacts section in gmail is full of information and, possibly, profile pictures.
Hi again,
Just to let you know this is now working for everybody :) — Thank you very much to all the beta testers, lots of great feedback!
We’ve written a short blog post on this at http://blog.rapportive.com/address-book-inbox-together-at-last if you want more information.
Thanks again,
P.S. Now that this story is completed, you’ll be able to re-use your votes on the rest of the forum.
David Rees commented
In the blog post you mention how you use Google Contact info (emails) to figure out Facebook and LinkedIn accounts. I would like a way to tell you someone's Twitter account also - http://feedback.rapportive.com/forums/42557-general/suggestions/3038523-use-google-contact-field-to-indicate-someone-s-twi.
And, as many folks mentioned on the blog, it would be great if we could see rapportive in the google contacts view also - http://feedback.rapportive.com/forums/42557-general/suggestions/534595-also-enhance-data-in-the-contacts-view
Dennis Pater commented
It Works thanks a lot
Eesmyal Santos-Brault commented
Mark Mullen commented
Lovin it Conrad, can't wait.
Maarten den Braber commented
Great news you started on this. It would be awesome if this also meant inline editing of Google Contacts!
Dennis Pater commented
The thing I was waiting for.
I hope we can edit contacts to, but that is optional.I can't thank you enough.
Sebastian Rueckert commented
Borrowed from another thread in this forum, but pertains to this discussion, especially see the last paragraph as to how Rapportive/Google contacts integration could work:
Please put the Rapportive sidebar up not just when I am in my Gmail mail viewer, but also when I am in a Contacts detail window. Bonus would be (as mentioned in other requests) to then be able to sync info (even on a manual button press basis) between my Google contacts and the Rapportive information.
Super bonus would be to restructure the Contact detail area completely so that it becomes a socially aware CRM contact window (think Gist web contact viewer) that expands on the info available in the Rapportive sidebar.
Peter Ellis commented
This is going to be the kicker for making Rapportive useful. Thank you! Please (if you can) make the information editable right in sidebar (updates google contact info automatically). Not sure if you control, but hyperlink activity for making google voice calls will also be a big plus. Thanks for making this happen!
Dennis Pater commented
What is the update on this?
This is exactly what i'm looking for. -
Jered commented
What is the updated ETA on this?
Sophie Charbonneau commented
This is an absolute must. Even more so, when considering I have several contacts I know are on every social networks out there and Rapportive can not find them.
This integration (sync I hoped) with google contacts, along with the ability for the user to help Rapportive find that contact on social networks by either providing the urls, different email, number or specific user names, would definitely help this product be all that it can be.BabaO
Peter Ellis commented
When will this happen? Everyone seems to agree it's a good idea!
Anonymous commented
+Allow editing of Google Contact information in sidebar. = awesome
Wolfi Frank commented
I second Alex. I email with people using their business email address, none of those are used in their social networking or otherwise. For most I have their personal email addresses in my Google Contacts. Rapportive should see that I am talking to Joe Shmoe, look up all his email addresses in my contacts and pull any information on him that can be found.
Matt Hensley commented
Rapportive is interesting but effectively useless for me. I communicate with people who have different email addresses for work/social networking/etc and this is reflected in my Google Contacts but Rapportive keeps trying to look people up by their work addresses and such. Fix this and it will be solid gold.
Alex commented
Agreed and want to specifically agree with what many of the commenters have said (but which is not in the original item): if a person has multiple e-mail addresses in gmail contacts, Rapportive should search *all* of those addresses and not just the one that the person e-mailed you from in a particular e-mail.
AdminSam Stokes (Admin, Rapportive) commented
@Ivan, we now show you information about companies and automated systems that email you: see http://rapportive.uservoice.com/forums/42557-general/suggestions/518911-display-an-informative-and-helpful-profile-when-co for more details!
Dylan Tweney commented
Adding support for this would help you fulfill another customer request here: If I have 3 addresses listed in my Gmail Contacts for someone, you can use that info to link those addresses to any matching social network profiles. For privacy reasons this link should only be visible to me, though.
Marcos Mendonça commented
the photo retreived by the profile serach could update the photo from my gmail contacts (it could automatic, ask the usaer or done manually - left click > update contact picture)
Ivan DeSousa JR. commented
Known business should also appear in rapportive. In this case there wouldn't be any social networks remarks, but information about the business.