Display an informative and helpful profile when companies email me
I get notification emails from service@linode.com, notifications from noreply@ebay.com, marketing emails from info@tripbod.com, invoices from support@tunnlr.com
Rapportive should be able to detect non-human From addresses and provide an appropriate panel of information and links.
Information could be as simple as company data (from linked in or companies house).
Links should be something like the google "site links" for the company's domain name, or the most common links on a company's website. Ideally these will be influenced by my browser history so that the links I click on most have highest prominence. (eg. the "my account" link for a site, or "managing server db1" for another site).
When you read an email from a company address or automated system, we’ll now show you a summary of what the company is about, and some useful links for interacting with that company, such as their blog or support site.
The company profiles and links are extracted automatically from the companies’ websites, and our algorithms aren’t perfect. If you see something that looks odd, or could be more helpful, please do email us at support@rapportive.com with the email address you received the message from. That will help us to keep tweaking our algorithms and be useful in more cases.
Thanks for all your suggestions and examples in the comments – they were invaluable in getting this to work.
nic nic commented
lol i was just trying to post the same topic! Excellent idea and very useful.
Theron Burger commented
Why not just use the domain for simple info if the full email address is not found?
say if i get an email from sales@joescompany.com, and no info is found for sales@joescompany.com, then info is shown for www.joescompany.com, like the original poser said.Just watch out on the monetizing bit, we already opted to replace one set off adds, we are not going to be too happy if all we are replacing it with is another set.
Josh Rosenthal commented
Actually, this could be a way for ya'll to monetize... if we're loading an email for a company, thats potential targeted ad space. Or potential directed feedback space (links to support pages, etc). You've snagged real estate in users browser, and while we all hope you use it responsibly, thats not completely opposed to allowing companies a way to include recent news/updates etc... Just... make sure you sanitize anything they give you real well, and don't overdo it.
Robert Sewell commented
add info from shop sites; Amazon, play.com etc!
AdminRahul Vohra (Admin, Rapportive) commented
Aaron, perhaps somebody who once had access to that account used it to sign up for fake accounts on MySpace and bebo.
We need to add some way to update and add to the data we see (it's the number one requested feature).
Aaron Parecki commented
Why is apple's iTunes receipt showing me this? http://pin13.net/photos/rpapple.png
Stephen Mack commented
I'm fairly sure that if you look at your usage logs. The automated accounts should bubble to the top pretty quickly. Find email address that many people get emails from and it's probably spam or a bot. Just a thought.
Leigh Jamgochian commented
googlealerts-noreply@google.com shows up ad Deeee Ree
Norman Xiao commented
I get a lot of email notification from facebook. These come from <@facebookmail.com>. It would be useful if Rapportive can detect these then mine the subject line for the user's name and match that to my contact or facebook friends.
AdminLee Mallabone (Admin, Rapportive) commented
Based on the contents of my recent inbox, these email usernames (with wildcards) would match >99% of the companies that email me:
(anything with an = in it)