62 search results
Rapportive should develop an Android app to enhance the "People" app updates data and display new status updates when receiving a call
make it so the rapportive data doesn't scroll down the window. It covers my info from etacts.
Integration with Volacci Automatr
When creating an email, add a button/link that will set a reminder in a # of days
Have an option to disable all Facebook questions · under review
if you have .edu or .ac email addresses why not search their universities for their websites · under review
Add support for BOINC profiles
Find e-mails based on other contacts
Fix the Google UI integration issue!
Add support for statusnet/Identica · completed
Failed to install custom raplet
integrate with Adium · under review
Display 1st Pass, 2nd Pass and Last Pass in rapportive status
Extract contact information from a (company) website using microformats · under review
allow me to move contact information to a spreadsheet
Make a raplet call even when email no found · completed
Pat yourself on the back . . . coolest GMail app! · completed
Add userscripts.org support · completed
Let users edit profiles for all their email addresses · completed
Identify profile(s) on the current webpage (using url and embedded microformats) · under review