62 search results
Developer Support : Ability to validate the response.
Also enhance data in the Contacts view · under review
Rapportive should develop an Android app to enhance the "People" app updates data and display new status updates when receiving a call
Let users edit profiles for all their email addresses · completed
Integration with Volacci Automatr
Allow users to specify information for their contacts · planned
Display a contact's status updates from social networks · started
Improve speed & responsiveness · started
Use the reply-to address when a look-up fails. · under review
Display an informative and helpful profile when companies email me · completed
Save pulled data on your servers to make Rapportive Chinese-Firewall Friendly.
Show users where you get the individual pieces of profile data from · under review
ignore networks with outdated activity · under review
Pass more data to the raplet call · completed
Have an option to disable all Facebook questions · under review
Create a bulk email feature.
Identify public vs private data · planned
Hide raplet when no data is available (ex. Crunchbase on non-famous ppl) · planned
probably use data from www.webmii.com
Add support for statusnet/Identica · completed