Thunderbird addon
I'd like to see a port of this application for Thunderbird for those of us using GMail IMAP.

Me too! In the long run we want Rapportive to work in all webmail systems and mail clients. We’ll probably work on the most popular clients first. If you know other Thunderbird users, get them to vote here!
Ian Pegg commented
Another vote for Thunderbird addon here too! I'd prefer to keep email in my email client, and not have to use a web browser, but Rapportive is a killer feature I can't do without!
Michael Robert Lawrence commented
thunderbird may go slughish at times as it chew on 9-10 of my accounts , (some are work/Webserver) but Thunderbird Just works in a way Outlook Fails most epicly. the addons for outlook are nice to haves , but its offten a 1 shot deal, thunderird I can have 10+ without issue...
Thunderbird is old faithful thats for sure. -
Michael Robert Lawrence commented
I hate Crash-look (msoutlook 2007) Instal Raporative and Facebook add on a few addons for pgp or the like , has me runing to thunderbird , just to do syncs one has to kill all the addons, then , enable them one by one under outlook else it is frozen up solid.
since thier's a firefox version I doubt it would take too much to add onto it to include thunderbird support so one xpi to do em both less a headache :-) -
Stuart Lathrop commented
Want to keep this request alive by adding my vote! I've recently returned to using Thunderbird as my primary mail client in lieu of Google Mail online/offline; instead the IMAP mode allows me to maintain a primary archive that's still accessible anywhere, but I have a lot more flexibility and stability. One of the few things I miss: Rapportive!
Joe Miggs commented
Vote for thunderbird!
dietirch duke commented
David Rees commented
Since you work for Firefox I would think it shouldn't be too much of a jump. The Thunderbird community would help also if you gave some guidance on how to wrap/port your existing plugin, which would be different than exposing your feeds...
Randy Snow commented
Here is my vote...allow me to say that the strength of this addon is going to be the market share you reach. I'm not sure how the product is intended to be marketed or what the long term goals for a revenue stream are, but reaching the largest possible audience is obviously paramount to any degree of success. Thunderbird support, I would assume, should not be much more of a jump from Firefox since many of the same addons work for both. I'm not a developer what *shrug* :) Anyway...w00t! I'm for reaching the largest possible audience. Also please allow the addon to follow the theme/color scheme of Tbird.
Andreas commented
I love rappportive and been advocating it and making people switch. But I just myself switched to thunderbird. gmail can't mail-merge and doesn't have anything that comes close to quicktext (canned responses on stereoids). This means that for professional use I can't rely on gmail... But I really want rapportive....
Larissa Brown Shapiro commented
Yes please! I'm just starting to use Rapportive but I like it.
AdamRen commented
Put 3 votes in! ;-p Thunderbird is great since it's free/$0 AND Open Source! I have the calendar Add On 'Lightning' and can't wait for more features and updates to come out. Integrating social media into one program will be so useful. A Synovel Spicebird + Seesmic/Tweetdeck + other cool apps + etc. yet to be invented ideas, like a new Flock (RockMelt) without having to integrate with Facebook, and lose the privacy by ad tracking etcetera.
Cal Evans commented
Yes, this would be good.
Mark commented
Yes, would like to see that feature as well!
Kenny Meyer commented
I would love to see this in the future.
KiNgDeeM commented
Same here
Thanks all for your support. Thunderbird is on the list of clients to support when we start our expansion into other mail clients.
@crgcas We'd love to provide an API for other (non-mail) systems to use Rapportive data, but we are limited by licensing constraints with some of our data partners. We're trying to find ways of making this happen, but unfortunately don't have a timeline yet.
Jon Henry commented
I agree. The rapportive addon for Thunderbird would be really great.
crgcas commented
Would you ever provide an API to link into other (non mail) systems developed by your customers (ie: a crm app)?
milan markovic commented
1+ love rapportive, love thunderbird. make us happy, please!