Outlook plugin
Any chance to create this app as an Outlook plugin?

We’ll definitely consider supporting Outlook if enough people want it. To that end, if you haven’t already, would you mind voting on this idea? We get a lot of feature requests (for which we’re very grateful!) and the votes help us to prioritise.
Anonymous commented
Jeremy Trojcak commented
yes yes yes yes please develop an Outlook plugin!!
Monica Roca-Quesada commented
yes please
Anonymous commented
So, are you going to make it?
Jeremy Wall commented
Hey there, as someone who has been a long time Gmail user, my amount of emailboxes continues to grow. From the sheer perspective as an entrepreneur and business owner having one single mailbox is almost impossible nowadays, I've been forced to Outlook and am really not happy that I won't have Rapportive. A significant amount of my new network since moving to LA has been through email, with the plugin you can add them from the first email without having to stalk their page and show you looked them up. Just invite-- and it says "I saw your profile on reparative (uncapatilzied) and would like to add you on Linkedin." It's a plug for you every time.
I think that even as a paid upgrade many of outlook users would pay at least a dollar, with 800 votes you've gotta give it some serious consideration.
Thanks for creating a great product, I sincerely hope I can continue using it.
Jeremy -
Anonymous commented
I vote yes!
Anonymous commented
Yes for Outlook! Please :)
El Max commented
i vote yes
Anonymous commented
yes please
Anonymous commented
yes for an Outlook plugin
Tony commented
yes please support.
Anonymous commented
Yes, please support Outlook. I found Rapportive and used it at my last job that was on gmail. New job is on outlook.
I just want to say that Rapportive is one of the best advances in helping sales people - simply amazing and helpful.
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
Outlook plug in please!!!
Anonymous commented
Yes!!! Please add an Outlook plug in!
Ido commented
Would love an outlook plug in, any future plans for that ?
Andrew Kalavritinos commented
Could you please include Outlook plugin for Mac users - Outlook 2011.
Olivia Jamgotchian commented
This would be a great tool!
Dave Chase commented
corp IT forces us to use Outlook at my new company. there are a gagillion Outlook users so i'm sure there are others who are in a similar boat.
Mike commented
Any idea on timescales for this? Great Product frustrating that it doesn't work on outlook.