Integrate with Gmail Tasks

I really like this idea (I’d use it too!). Integrating it with Google Tasks is also a pretty cool idea (would play nicely with mobile sync!).
Ted Kidd commented
Tasks don't seem to connect well to calendar or contacts. Maybe Rapportive could cure that?
I want completed tasks to move to my calendar and to the contact it was completed for. The I could see what I was doing at that time when reviewing my calendar, and see it when I look at the contact.
Rapportive gets what other CRM don't seem to, we need to stay in Google and overlay services rather than navigating away or as Google evolves we won't see/stay current and fluent.
Currently I pay Solve360 for services that take me away from Google, and I don't like that. I need to keep my Google skills current, not learn another interface.
John Sisson commented
Forget Gmail Tasks integration until that feature actually has value, (e.g. tags). However, three things would be of great value:
(1) follow-up reminders
(2) adding a person to Google Contacts (this is harder than it should be!)
(3) a drop-down menu for associating a contact with a group (in Google Contacts) -
Edward de Leau commented
I would LOVE to just note short todo's with my contacts and then have an overview page with all this stuff (possibly with some workflow more than on/off)
AdminSam Stokes (Admin, Rapportive) commented
@Jorge, @Gus: follow-up reminders are a popular request: see if you'd like to get updates on that feature.
Jay Dugger commented
Again, I think this would help. I'd like it better if a raplet let me choose which task tracking system I used. Specifically: reQall, ActionComplete,& Google Tasks
Tal Frankfurt commented
Thank you Sam!
David Esposito commented
I would love it if all these aspects could be made into an api or something for other task managment services.
for example, i use Nozbe, simply GTD.
Gtasks isnt that useful i have found.
Gus Elliott commented
Depending on how you interpret the request for "create my own crm informations," this request may be related. But the main thing I want from something like Rapportive that I cannot easily get anywhere is to be able to remind myself to follow-up with people on some periodic basis.
As is suggested in "create my own crm informations," that may include people who don't live in the social network world (e.g., my father). Further, the act of creating a reminder may best be suited to something like Google Tasks or it may be something you have to do directly as part of Rapportive. I say this because I may not know ahead of time when I want the "task" to be created.
For example, I might want to know all the people I have flagged for follow-up whom I have not emailed in over two weeks.
Or as another example, I might want to have Rapportive illustrate for me: I would like to see all the contacts in my JobSearch (or In-laws) group along with the date of last sent/replied to message sorted in order from least recent to most recent so that I can use it as a sort of task list. This would probably not be feasible by using Gmail Tasks.
Support for creating a linked Gmail Task for any contact, however, would be a great aspect of it. -
Jorge Zepeda commented
This is the number one function I want otherwise its useless. MUST be able to set a quick task with date/no date to contact the person again. Also, have a simple version of the Xobni contact frequency so that I can measure the value of the relationship.
-quick task set
-freq. of contact
-notes sync with contact notes
-integrate with android
-die rich after google buys you.