have a refresh button to reload contacts when duplicates have been merged in google contacts
I sometimes find I have multiple contact entries for the same person In my gmail address book I sometimes find I have duplicates. If I go and merge them together in gmail, when I come back to the message and click Google Contacts, Rapportive finds nothing. I would expect that it would refresh and now show me the additional contact info rather than taking me to the google contacts home and telling me the contact was deleted.
Hey Joseph, thanks for your note. Rapportive does notice when you’ve merged contacts, and shows the updated information in the sidebar, but it may take 1-2 days for your change to get picked up by the sidebar. We’re looking into ways of speeding this up in future. (A button to reload would be a possibility, but it would add clutter in the 99% of cases when you don’t need it, and so we’re hesitant to add more buttons.)