allow me to change the width and location so that it fits on my screen
I need to have my inbox show folders on the far left, messages next to that, and message previews after that. Unfortunately for me, that seems to push the Rapportive add-in off of the screen. (Part of it shows, but not all.)
I haven't found a way to reduce the width of the preview pane, so my next idea is to drag the Rapportive add-in to the left. I COULD drag the other screens (folders, messages) to the left, but that would narrow them too much for me.

Hi Chris,
Thanks for the idea, it’s a tricky business fitting everything in a limited space! :)
Do you think it would be better or worse if we reduced the size of the preview pane to make sure Rapportive always fitted on screen?
Chris Newkirk commented
Lee--I would actually like the option of reducing the size of the preview pane. It would be better for me, at least. I think Rapportive is the perfect width.