When you wildly guess a Facebook profile based on "same name", mark it as a guess.
Apparently some (all? most? much?) of the Rapportive profile data is based on educated guesses of what online profiles correspond with an email address.
I just figured out that Rapportive's insistence on picking some strange user icon for my gmail address, instead of its gravatar, was due to it having associated me with some bloke on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/johan.sundstrom1) which seems to bear my name.
I would appreciate some kind of indicator of "we're guessing wildly on loose grounds here", as opposed to really solid, provable kinds of data like "this gravatar really does belong to the email address X" (which is granted by its url being an md5 hash of the email address in question, and which has been chosen by the owner of that email address).
Thanks for getting in touch, this is something we’ve been meaning to do for a while.
I just took a look and the incorrect data on your profile came from an old provider we no longer use — anything in the future should be up-to-date.
If you have any other problems, feel free to let us know either here or at support@rapportive.com!